Career Profile

13+ years of IT experience in Technology with a range of experience in design, development and coding complex scalable Web Applications, REST Apis in areas like Digital Marketing, Insurance, Furniture, Mobile Marketing, Microsites platform and Corporate sites. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.


Senior Software Enginner

Jun 2022 - Present
Pantheon India Platform

Part of backend team responsible for micro-services and IaC, used to manage and orchestrate the customer infrastructure. Introduced the monorepo tagging strategy to ease release procress, also setup the process to do the customer infrastructire roll out using microservice.

  • GraphQL
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Golang
  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • Github APIs
  • Grafana
    • Alert
  • Github Actions.

Technical Architect

Jun 2018 - May 2022

Leading the team of 10+ members team in Drupal 8/9 with cutting edge technology like Drupal VM/Docksal, Acquia BLT, Solr search. Responsible for visual regression as CI using node modules, integrated phpmd in CI, migration of legacy site into Drupal, developed google data studio report.

  • Drupal 9
  • Acquia BLT
  • Acquia Solr 7
  • Driving the sprint deliverables using scrum

Tech Lead

Aug 2016 - Apr 2018
Adways Innovations India

Development and maintenance of Scaleable REST Apis, Dashboard tool for Ops, cron jobs and also take part in third party apis integrations in the system.

  • Codeignator Framework
  • Third party APIs integrations
  • AWS auto scaling architecture

Senior Software Engineer

Feb 2015 - Aug 2016

Responsible for the Pricing Engine application enhancements and maintenance, also do the Dev Ops works.

  • CakePHP Framework
  • Build REST APIs for the pricing engine

Senior Software Engineer

Apr 2014 - Jan 2015
ZipDial Mobile Solution

Responsibilities includes development and supporting the internal product (Managed Admin)

  • CakePHP Framework
  • Build an admin interface to manage the campaign for the ops team.

Senior Software Engineer

Mar 2011 - May 2014
StrApp Business Solution Pvt Ltd

PHP Developer

Jun 2010 - Mar 2011

Web Developer

Jul 2009 - Jun 2010
PRED Solutions


Decoupled backend microservices and infrastructure - Part of backend team responsible for micro-services and the infrastructure, used to manage and orchestrate the customer infrastructure. Introduced the monorepo tagging strategy to ease release procress, also setup the process to do the customer infrastructire roll out using microservice. - Developed the corporate website using Drupal 8/9 and Acquia infrastucture, by building various content types, migrated the content from legagcy systems like CoreMedia and Django, datastudio report to track the document usage using GA, search system using Solr implementation and also integrated the page count using GA.
AAMC internal microsite platform - Build a internal platform using Drupal 9 to host multiple small sites using the domain access module and various customiziations by providing preset color theme, site specific assests like logo, GA code, etc.
Adways | internal portal - Build and maintained internal portal to publish and manage the campaings and also had a backend REST APIs to serve and track the campaigns to and from the android mobile application.
Homelane | Internal Product (Pricing Engine) - This product is the Catalog management system, it also has the REST API to feed inputs to Sketchup modules and other systems to get a quote, it has the pricing logic, its has the quote versioning logic, its had several reports against the quote for the customer, all the artifacts were uploaded to s3 buckets so that other systems can pull the same one.
Homelane | Internal Product (Managed Admin) - This product will help ZipDial internal team to deliver and configure the campaigns, configure the reports and KPI’s, manage customers, users, orders and offline payment.
Locum - This product will help Post the Job, apply for the job, create slots, view the slots on the Calendar and book them, and according to the Contract and agreed Payment Term the Invoices are generated, there is also an option to the Generate various type of Reports.
Coral - Coral Technologies was established in 2011 with a clear set of guiding principles. Our primary aim was to provide a highly cost-effective online resource for legal and medical professionals working in the accident and injury claims sector
Dining - Its an online tool, which help the restaurants to manage there reservations and guests.

Licenses & certifications

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    Technical Skills & Proficiency










    Soft Skills & Proficiency

    Requirements Gathering

    Release management

    Streamlining process

    Leadership quality